7th grade students started working on pastel still life drawings of
pumpkins and
grouds. These are samples that I shared with the students during the introduction of the project. Students have been working on showing space by using placement on the page, overlap, and cropping. We have started to establish a table line and general colors. We will continue to study value by recording highlights, low lights, and shadows. My plan is to have
grade six work with
pumpkins only. I purchased some plastic pumpkins to get us started. They were 50% off at Hobby Lobby. I will be able to use them year after year.
We are still in need of more pumpkins so I can set up a still life on each table. Let me know if you would like to help with pumpkins for the art room. Thank you to the Kovalenko family for sending in a pumpkin.
Grade 7: Ceramic frogs have been fired, so we are taking time away from our pastel still lifes to finish the frogs. Students have started the base coat of the painting process. Dot painting will start on Wednesday and continue into next week. We are
in need of little black or clear film containers to store our small amounts of thinned out acrylic paints. Anyone who uses film...please save the containers for the art classroom. The main grade for the ceramic frogs has been recorded. Students will still get a score on the painting of the frog as well as the drum stick. Art Binder/folders have been collected, graded, and returned for the 1st quarter. I pulled a few completed Art Starts to put on display in the hall.
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